About The Website

As you could imagine, being dropped in a new country can be overwhelming for just about anybody. In this website I try to help international students, and try to make it just a bit easier for you.

First and foremost, it’s very important to note that this website is not professional help/advice. With that out of the way, let me proceed to give you an idea of the website!

Simply put, I will share my advice with you in a blog format. You will find these articles in the Blog page of my website! I will share everything from random tips and tricks to latest news I come across. Really, I will share anything that I deem useful for international students to know or be aware of.

Of course, with such a format, that means that not every single post might be useful for you, so you don’t need to read every single one! I would still recommend you keep up with my posts, because you never know, you might run into something really useful!

Like I already mentioned, my blogs will be very open ended, as long as they help or be of interest to international students. I will keep everything categorized properly to make it easier for you to navigate the site.

And yeah, that’s all there is to it! What are you waiting for? Head on to the Blog page!